Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ibrahim Eissa, editor of Egyptian newspaper Al-Dostor, was named international journalist of the year

International journalist of the year
Ibrahim Essa, Editor, Al-Dustour
watch the award ceremony

Guardian, Times and NoW win big at Press AwardsGuardian named Newspaper of the Year, while the Times wins most awards and News of the World takes home scoop of the year for cricket match-fixing story

Jason Deans, Wednesday 6 April 2011 11.02 BST Article history
Full list of 2011 Press Awards winners

Press Awards 2011: Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger receives the newspaper of the year award from Anna Botting
The Guardian was named newspaper of the year at the 2011 Press Awards on Tuesday night for its partnership with WikiLeaks, which produced the leaked US embassy cables.
Along with the Times (five awards) and the News of the World (four), the Guardian (also four) took home the lion's share of the spoils from the annual awards.
The judges said the US embassy cables put "the Guardian at the top of the news headlines and some say it will change relationships between governments and the press and public forever".
Other Guardian awards came for Andrew Sparrow, named political journalist of the year, Amelia Gentleman, who won best features writer, and the paper's 2010 World Cup Guide, which came out on top in the special supplement category.
Caitlin Moran, the Times writer, won two awards – critic and interviewer of the year – while the same paper's David Robertson took home the prize for best business and financial journalist.
The Times' Peter Brookes was named best cartoonist and his colleague Matthew Parris won columnist of the year.
Scoop of the year went to the News of the World for its cricket corruption story, described by the judges as "the definition of a scoop for its jaw-dropping impact".
The News of the World's undercover reporter, Mazher Mahmood, was named news reporter of the year and Stephen Moyes won best showbiz reporter for the paper, while the Sunday title's magazine Fabulous prevailed in the regular supplement of the year category.
Accepting the newspaper of the year award, Alan Rusbridger, Guardian editor-in-chief, praised his colleagues as "a fabulous team to work with" and singled out the US embassy cables coverage.
"It's far too early to say what effect the story had on events in the Middle East and north Africa but I would guess it would have had some effect," he said from the stage at London's Savoy hotel, where the ceremony was held.
Recalling the Guardian's collaboration with a range of partners on the WikiLeaks story, Rusbridger said the reason why the files had been shared with the New York Times was because the US constitution's first amendment was the "gold standard for free speech worldwide".
While libel laws in the UK were now being reformed, he said that he hoped the White House would think carefully about its approach towards Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, and Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of leaking classified cables to WikiLeaks.
At a time when the eyes of the world will be on how America will react, he appealed to the US administration to be appropriate in its treatment of Manning, who is being held in a military prison after being arrested in May 2010.
The Mail on Sunday won three awards, with Matt Sandy named journalist of the year and Mark Pain winning best sports photographer. The digital innovation award went Mail Online, the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday website network.
Another double winner was the London Evening Standard, taking home the Cudlipp award and campaign of the year for The Dispossessed, which raised awareness of London's poor.
The Daily Mirror won best front page of the year for "Pinickio", which depicted Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg with the nose of Pinocchio for his U-turn over university tuition fees.
Ibrahim Eissa, editor of Egyptian newspaper Al-Dustour, was named international journalist of the year. Eissa is on bail pending an appeal against a year-long prison sentence and fine charged with insulting former Egyptian president Mubarak and publishing false information likely to disturb public order.The Financial Times, Sunday Times, Independent and Getty Images took home one award each.
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نقابة الصحفيين فى إنجلترا تمنح إبراهيم عيسى جائزة "صحفى عام2011"على مستوى العالم
الأربعاء, 6-04-2011 - 4:48الأربعاء, 2011-04-06 15:33
منحت رابطة (نقابة )الصحافة البريطانية السنوية في المملكة المتحدة  جائزة صحفى العالم فى 2011للزميل الكاتب الصحفى ابراهيم عيسى وذلك  ضمن الجوائز التى تمنحها سنويا رابطة (نقابة)الصحافة البريطانية "أوارد برس 2011" التي تضم قائمة أفضل الصحف والصحفيين لعام 2011 وذلك فى الحفل الذى وزعت فيه جوائزها مساء الأثنين الماضى .
حيث يتم اختيار صحفي واحد عن كل مجال من مجالات العمل الصحفي فى بريطانيا  ليحصل على لقب صحفي العام 2011.بينما تمنح جائزة لجنة التحكيم لصحفى العالم عن العام نفسه international journalist of the year
وحصلت صحيفة الجادريان البريطانية على لقب "صحيفة العام 2011" بفضل تغطيتها الصحفية المتميزة لوثائق ويكيلكس، حيث خصصت الصحيفة قسما خاصا لتلك الوثائق مزود بخريطة للعالم للحصول على الوثائق الخاصة بأي دولة في العالم بسهولة، وهو ما ساعد على نشر تلك الوثائق في العديد من الصحف الأخرى.
وتعد جوائز "رابطة الصحافة البريطانية" أهم مسابقة سنوية في مجال الصحافة في بريطانيا، كما أنها واحدة من أقدم نوادي الصحافة في العالم حيث أنشئت عام 1888.
ويأتي اسم عيسى في قائمة الفائزين بلقب "صحفي العام" لجوائز الرابطة البريطانية كأول صحفي مصري  فى تاريخ الصحافة المصرية يحصل على هذا اللقب الذى تمنحه واحدة من أهم مؤسسات الصحافة العالمية والتى تمثل الصحافة الانجليزية العريقة وصحفييها ، وأشارت لجنة التحكيم إلى أن عيسى واجه أحكاما بالسجن بسبب انتقاداته الجريئة والصريحة للرئيس المصري المخلوع حسني مبارك والتي كان آخرها حكما بالحبس في قضية نشر أخبار كاذبة عن الصحة الرئيس في 2008.  
واعتبرت اللجنة أن إبراهيم عيسى هو الأكثر استحقاقاً لهذا اللقب على المستوى المهنى الشجاع الذى تعامل به فى معارضة النظام السابق، ومساهمته فى تهيئة الأجواء السياسية والشعبية للثورة التى حققتها مصر.
جدير بالذكر ان عيسى قد حصل على جائزة الجارديان التى تمنحها منظمة اندكيس لحرية الصحافة لعام 2010وتسلم عيسي جائزته فى احتفال دولى جرى فى المعهد الملكى البريطانى فى لندن فى الرابع والعشرين من مارس الماضى.

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