Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Research Reveals Growing Influence of Arab Media in the United States, Europe

Dubai, UAE (May 17, 2011) – Western opinion leaders believe the Arab Spring will transform the Middle East, bringing a sea change in Arab politics and societies, according to a new study conducted by APCO Insight®, APCO Worldwide’s global opinion research group.
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“This is the first study which has looked at how events in the Middle East are shaping the views of opinion leaders in the West,” said Ma’moon Sbeih, managing director of APCO’s Arab-region office in Dubai. “It is clear that while there may be concern about who emerges in power, the argument that Arabs are taking their place in the world community prevails by a large margin.”
The study, presented this week at the 10th Arab Media Forum taking place at the Grand Hyatt hotel, Dubai, found that nearly three-quarters of those polled believe recent events have brought Arabs into the world community. Respondents also expressed qualified optimism about the future of the Arab world in light of recent events.
Entitled “An Arab Spring? Perceptions of Western Opinion Leaders,” the study reveals that Arab media has made clear inroads with Western opinion leaders and is shaping positive perceptions around events in the Middle East. A large majority of those polled have a more favorable view of Arab societies and citizens as a result of the revolutions and uprisings across the region.
Other key findings of the study include:
•Opinion leaders are watching events closely and consider them to be transformative and region-wide.
•The key measurement will be progress on democratic values.
•Egypt is seen as leading change in the region.
•There is pessimism on foreign investment in countries undergoing change.
•Arab media is helping to define the issue for Westerners and is expected to be more open and free.
•People view Arabs more favorably and ascribe recent activism to familiar aspirations.
•Optimism about the future of the Arab world is linked to the nature of future governments.  
While Western opinion leaders are watching events in Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain closely, it is Egypt which is seen as key to the future of the Middle East’s relationship with the West. Only 40 percent of those who took part in the study believe there will be no change in Egypt’s relationship with the West, but of those who see change as likely, more believe it will be less friendly than more friendly. Meanwhile 42 percent expect the revolution in Egypt to have a negative impact on the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.
When asked if recent events would affect the climate for foreign direct investment in those countries undergoing change, nearly half (47 percent) believe the impact will be negative.
The study is based on a representative sample of opinion leaders in the United States and Europe. Those polled included current or former government officials; diplomats; leaders of NGOs; and representatives from the media, law, think tanks, advocacy groups and lobbying organisations.

About APCO Worldwide
Founded in 1984, APCO Worldwide is an award-winning, independently owned global communication consultancy with offices in major cities throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., APCO clients include corporations and governments; industry associations and nonprofit organizations; and seven of the top 10 companies on Fortune's Global 500. APCO offers services related to business, industry and finance; media, public opinion and society; and government and public policy. The firm is a majority women-owned business. For more information, please visit

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