Friday, March 18, 2011

New York Times Journalists Missing In Libya To Be Released

New York Times Journalists Missing In Libya To Be Released
Jack Mirkinson  First Posted: 03/18/11 08:32 AM 

The New York Times reported Friday morning that all four of its journalists missing in Libya have been found and will be released. Earlier, Saif Gaddafi, the son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, had given an interview where he seemed to be referring to only one of the journalists and said "she" would be released. But the Times said that the State Department had clarified to the paper that all four would in fact be set free.

The journalists—Anthony Shadid, Tyler Hicks, Stephen Farrell and Lynsey Addario—had been missing since Tuesday, the last time anyone heard from them.
In an interview with ABC News' Christiane Amanpour that aired on Thursday's "Nightline," Saif Gaddafi seemed to acknowledge that the government did indeed know where the journalists were. He said that they had entered the country illegally and been captured by the Libyan military:
"You know, they entered country illegally and when the army, when they liberated the city of Ajdabiyah from the terrorists and they found her there and they arrest her because you know foreigners in this place. But then they were happy because they found out she is American, not European. And thanks to that she will be free tomorrow."

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